Deploy and Configure Database
This guide provides instructions for:
Installing Postgres on Ubuntu 20.04
Configuring an indexing database for use with Graph
Configuring an agent database for use with the Graph agent and service
Making sure the database is accessible on the local network
Acknowledgements and Disclaimer
The contents of this guide has been pulled together from a variety of sources. It has been tested on Ubuntu Server 18.04 and 20.04. Your mileage may vary. Most of the Postgres install detail has been pulled from koen84's install scripts and edited for manual installation -
First and foremost, it is assumed that you have decided on your architecture per the earlier part of this guide series - VMs or containers, storage sizing and redundancy, Eth node choice. At all times, this guide will use the reference architecture from the first page for all instructions. This guide is not intended for absolute beginners. It assumes some knowledge of using a linux terminal. Before you get started you will need to have your Ubuntu server instance up and running and up to date. Your server will require an internet connection. This guide assumes that you are logged into the server using a non-root account with SUDO access. Security will not be covered in this guide.
Additional packages that may need to be installed: gnupg - sudo apt-get install gnupg
It is assumed that the latest stable version of Postgres will be installed. At time of writing this guide that is Postgres13.
Install Postgres
Firstly, add the Postgres repo to package sources
sudo su -c "echo 'deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list"
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y postgresql
If the install is successful you should see a confirmation message:
Configure the postgres database user
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'changeme';"
Set the password "changeme" as you see fit and make a note of it
Create databases
sudo -u postgres createdb graph-node
sudo -u postgres createdb graph-agent
Configure Postgres for remote access
If your database will be accessed remotely, you need to update the Postgres configuration to allow connections from remote hosts:
Open /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
in an editor, find #listen_addresses = 'localhost'
and change it to listen_addresses = '*'
(or if you have very specific interfaces that will allow access the database, you can use those instead for additional security)
Open /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf
in an editor and add host all all md5
to the top of the file. Again, if you want to restrict scope to specific subnets or IP addresses you can choose to do so here for additional security.
Restart the Postgres service so changes take effect. sudo systemctl restart postgresql@13-main.service
Test database remote access
From another server, run a quick telnet test to check that the database server is now responding on the postgres port: telnet <postgresServer> 5432
If succesfully connected, the output should look something like:
If you get a timeout error, it is likely your database is not open to the rest of your network.
Last updated
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